APAAR ID ( Dear parents, to check your child's APAAR ID, please download the DigiLocker app from the Play Store or App Store. ) UDISE Notice ( Dear parents, please remember that it is mandatory to submit your child's Aadhaar card for generating the PEN and APAAR Id, as per UDISE regulations. If you have not done so yet, kindly ensure that you submit it at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation. ) APAAR Notice ( Dear Parents, if you have submitted your child's Aadhaar card and have not yet received the APAAR form, please reach out to the school office for assistance. Thank you. )
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Principal's Message

Dear Parents, Teachers and Students,

If we want peace of mind and heart, we should not find fault with others. Rather see our own faults which will strengthen our emotional attitudes and will develop good social relationship. No one is a stranger. Learn to make the world your own. It is for your own good to love a dare-devil rather than a holy coward. A dare-devil is a unique devil, battling your fears, difficulties and conquering your uncertainties to fly high. Nothing is impossible if commitment and perseverance become tools towards the set aims.