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Science Lab

Science lab is always considered as a relevant and essential part so far as the teaching of Science is concerned."

This helps students to remember the studies in a better way by conducting their experiments. It gives students first-hand experience and offers better learning opportunities. A laboratory is not a contest whose object is to get the "right answer", but the purpose is to learn how to gain knowledge, how to observe and to learn the meaning of what happens.


St. Conrad's has different labs according to the different subject streams:


v Biology Lab – In the Biology Laboratory student learn about different biological aspects of nature. They explore cells & tissues of plants and animals through a compound microscope, learn about the bones and body structure through Human Skelton, visualize important organs like the heart through biological models & learn different organ systems through educational charts.


v Biotechnology Lab - Biotechnology is an integrated science, a combination of allied sciences which is used to prepare therapeutically and diagnostically importance. In this students of biotechnology learn the uses of biology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, microbes etc. with the application of instruments i.e. technical systems to the benefit of mankind.


v Chemistry Lab - Our chemistry lab is well equipped with chemicals and other apparatus to cater to the needs of all the students. In the chemistry lab, students are expected to indulge in a creative interplay of observation, experimentation and theoretical inferences. Students are trained to use scientific instruments, make observations, and interpret and draw conclusions from observed facts.


Physics Lab - Physics laboratory is one of the well-equipped labs in the school. Practical are carried out regularly so that children understand Physics better by doing it themselves. Various models and charts are displayed in the lab to arise the curiosity of students. The equipment ranges from the commonly found lens, magnet, beam balance, spring balance, and glass prism to advanced apparatus like voltmeters, ammeters and resistors and spectrometers to name a few.

Biology Lab

v  Biology Lab – In the Biology Laboratory student learn about different biological aspects of nature. They explore cells & tissues of plants and animals through a compound microscope, learn about the bones and body structure through Human Skelton, visualize important organs like the heart through biological models & learn different organ systems through educational charts.

Biotechnology Lab

v  Biotechnology Lab - Biotechnology is an integrated science, a combination of allied sciences which is used to prepare therapeutically and diagnostically importance. In this students of biotechnology learn the uses of biology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, microbes etc. with the application of instruments i.e. technical systems to the benefit of mankind.

Chemistry Lab

v  Chemistry Lab - Our chemistry lab is well equipped with chemicals and other apparatus to cater to the needs of all the students. In the chemistry lab, students are expected to indulge in a creative interplay of observation, experimentation and theoretical inferences. Students are trained to use scientific instruments, make observations, and interpret and draw conclusions from observed facts.

Physics Lab

v  Physics Lab - Physics laboratory is one of the well-equipped labs in the school. Practical are carried out regularly so that children understand Physics better by doing it themselves. Various models and charts are displayed in the lab to arise the curiosity of students. The equipment ranges from the commonly found lens, magnet, beam balance, spring balance, and glass prism to advanced apparatus like voltmeters, ammeters and resistors and spectrometers to name a few.